Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mercury: Gateway to the Heavens

'And I', said Hermes, 'will make mankind intelligent; I will confer wisdom on them, and make known to them the truth. I will never cease to benefit thereby the life of mortal men; and then above all will I benefit each one of them, when the force of nature working in him is in accord with the movement of the stars above.'
(Corpus Hermetica, EXC. XXIII. Isis to Horus)

Mercury (gk. Hermes, eg. Thoth) is the innermost planet of our solar system, always in proximity to the sun. Pick up any textbook on Roman or Greek mythology and you will read about how observations of its rapid movement across the zodiac and frequent conjunctions with the other planets resulted in the interpretation of Mercury as the swift “messenger of the gods”.

Mercury/Hermes/Thoth is traditionally associated with communication, wisdom, knowledge, magic, and the psychopompic initiation into Death and the Mysteries. In this context Mercury is the communicator of sacred knowledge. This knowledge is transmitted by Mercury through its planetary cycles and celestial geometry.

The Morning and Evening Star:

Mercury as the innermost planet orchestrates a unique astronomical pattern with the Sun. For approximately four to six weeks Mercury will linger as a bright star near the western horizon several hours after sunset. During this period Mercury is the Evening Star. Afterwards it enters an inferior conjunction with the Sun and disappears from the evening sky. A week later Mercury reappears in the sky, but this time as a bright luminary near the eastern horizon heralding sunrise. Mercury is the Morning Star for another four to six weeks before entering superior conjunction with the Sun and disappearing for five weeks (35 days).

The complete cycle takes 116 days (115.9 days). This means that in one solar year, Mercury will complete 3.14 cycles. Because of this decimal interval the ancients observed Mercury in seven year periods. Every 7 years, Mercury completes 22 conjunction cycles. The Mercury::Sun ratio of 22/7 is extremely precise with only a 1hr error margin.

Pi, Geometry and Gematria:

The 22/7 Mercury::Sun ratio is also a close fractional expression of the Pythagorean irrational and transcendent number Pi (3.14...). Pi is the universal ratio of any circle's diameter to its circumference and is the essential constant by which mathematics and astronomy interpret the universe. If you don’t understand the importance of Pi, look it up!

In the letter-number system of Pythagorean Greek gematria, the value of the first three digits of Pi (314) gives us Μαγος (Magos, ‘magician’ or ‘wise man’). When we take the first nine digits of Pi in three digit segments (314 159 265) the gematria gives us Magos, Megas ('Great'), and Kleis ('Key')...interpret this how you will.

The reverse Sun::Mercury ratio 7/22, or .318 (or 318/1000), is Pi to the power of negative one. The integer 318 is the gematria value of Helios ('Sun'). A circle with a diameter of Helios (318, or 3.18, or .318) will always have a circumference of Pythagorean Unity (1000, 100, or 1). Furthermore, a circle drawn around a square with the perimeter of Helios will measure a circumference of 353, the gematria value of Hermes!

Mercury and the Triangle:

The ecliptic astronomical chart below was created using data from the Alcyone Astronomical Ephemeris to arc-second precision. The 22/7 conjunction cycle of Mercury traces an isosceles triangle inside the constellation belt that turns clockwise every 3 conjunctions.

Mercury delivers us the two most primeval symbols of polarity(▲/▼). For the initiate these are the first keys for unlocking the universe. Nothing else needs to be said.

"I will confer wisdom on them, and make known to them the truth."

1 comment:

Osiris said...

Holy sh^t! The whole Pi = "Magician's Great Key" makes perfect sense. This is closely linked to my own Magickal work. Would it be OK if I emailed you to discuss more??